Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Week #15 - Reassigned: Tempe Arizona, Here I Come!

Monday, March 4, 2020
"....reassigned to the Temple Arizona Mission! So excited!" 
Airport good-bye #2 
Only one person could come in the airport
with me if I "needed assistance." haha
God be with you 'til we meet again!
Hello Again! 

Last Tuesday at 7:52 PM my dad answered a FaceTime Video call from our Stake President. At first my dad thought he had forgotten about a meeting, but then the President asked for me….and had received my REASSIGNMENT!!!! I am being temporarily reassigned to the Tempe Arizona Mission, leaving tomorrow morning (5/5/20) and I am so excited! I quickly emailed all my friends who were missionaries who had come home because of Covid-19 asking if they had new assignments. No one else had one! It was just me hahaha! Since then, many others have received their reassignments, and over the next few months, hopefully all the missionaries can go back out to serve as a full-time missionary. 
"re" set-apart as a missionary on Sunday 5/3/20
My companions while I was home! :) 
I am so excited to continue to be a missionary in Arizona. It doesn’t matter where you are called, just as long as you are doing the Lord’s work by bringing others under Him. I am excited to preach in my native language and still continue studying Portuguese to hopefully return one day to Brazil. If the pandemic calms down in Brazil, there is a chance I could go back, but my focus now is in Tempe. The one bummer is that Nicole is having her baby in three weeks. I MISS MY NEPHEW BY THREE WEEKS! That just shows how true this gospel is, that I am willing to sacrifice meeting my first nephew to serve others and bring them the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.


Sister Guilott
I got to visit Nicole and Landon with my family while I was home!
Three weeks and I am an aunt!!
My time home was exactly as long as a normal transfer!

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