Monday, March 2, 2020

Week #9 - Pneumonia

Monday, March 2, 2020
Rainy days and tracting -- may cause pneumonia!
WOWZA what a week I had... Lets just say that it wasn't what I expected... Tuesday morning I woke up not feeling to good, so my companion Sister Cunha told me I should sleep a little bit more. After another half an hour, I woke up and I knew I wasn't okay. That's when I realized I had a fever of 102... We called our mission president's wife, who is over medical, and she told us to go to the nearby hospital to be checked. So we went to the hospital and they did a whole bunch of weird tests and said something was wrong with my kidneys? Yeah, confusing. This happened to the be the first day a case of coronovirus was discovered in Brasilia, so when I walked in as a foreigner having just arrived 14 days before on an airplane, with symptoms of a high fever and weird cough....lets just say it was a bit crazy.
World's Best Companion
Anyways, the next couple days we just took it slow, in and out of hospitals to see what was going on with me. But my fever won't go away. Thursday we went back to the hospital, spend more time there, did more tests, and guess what... they still didn't know what was going on and although they still thought my kidneys were messed up (they aren't, lol). The next day we had zone conference and before that, me and my companion went with our mission president's wife, Sister Cooper to an appointment that I had with a nephrologist because of some abnormal tests from the day before. (Yeah, a lot of new words I never knew before.) And let me just add that I did not understand anything these past days because I already don't understand Portuguese, and I for sure don't understand medical terms in Portuguese. The nephrologist didn't think anything was wrong with my kidneys, so we went over to zone conference, even though it was day four that I still had a fever that didn't go away, and a strange cough. As Sister Cooper was driving us home (I looked to sick to go home on public transportation so she offered us a ride), all of a sudden my throat started to close up and I couldn't breath! And what happened to be right by us? A HOSPITAL!! So we went in... I once again experienced a Brazilian emergency room not understanding anything and again more tests were done. I had to get more blood drawn (my least favorite thing), get an IV, get an x-ray, get a ct-scan, get a weird q-tip shoved up my nose and I still didn't know what was wrong with me. They had ruled out coronavirus (lol) the couple days before, and so they now thought it was maybe Dengue Fever. But then they were all confused when that test came back negative. FINALLY!! After being so sick for 4 days and not understanding anything that was wrong with me, I found out I have... PNEUMONIA from the chest xray and I was then transferred (by ambulance) to a different hospital that was literally a 5 star hotel and stayed there until last night.... 
The doctors kept thinking I had scary things...
Smiling because my IV is out and I get to go back to my area!
Breathing treatments--they helped a lot!
So, I guess you could say this week was exciting. Even though these experiences literally were all my least favorite things (needles, hospitals, being sick), I could not get over how much peace I felt. My companion was amazing and treated me so kindly and has been my so helpful. My Mission President and his wife have been amazing. All the missionaries here have been so kind. Some Elders were able to come and give us the sacrament in the hospital and what a cool experience that was. My ward here in Lago Sul have only wanted to help and have been so kind. All the doctors here, even though I didn't understand them too well most of the time, were so nice and treated me with love. We definitely gave out a few pamphlets to some nurses and doctors. I felt the prayers of my family and friends at home who were praying so much for me. 

Thank you all so much for your love and support. But most importantly, I felt my Savior's love this week. Through Him, I was able to handle this situation with grace and patience. I know that God gives us trials for a reason, and it is hard to have this one with only being in Brazil for two months, and Brasilia for three weeks. But I feel so much love from everyone. Thank you again for all your help this past week. <3

Sister Guilott
On the bus, before getting sick!

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